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Favorite Memories: 


Watching Jimmy Fallon lip-sync battles in AP Lang-Brigid Prial


My favorite memory was when the whole Senior class “parted the red sea” for Colin and Demetri for Pep rally. -Sara Dallendorfer


Fun Run with Mr. Thomas and lunch sophomore year with my friends. -Ryan Horan


When Doug Frawley fought a kid with a light saber. -Jake D’Ercole 


Riffing Spongebob quotes with Terrence McCann in AP Lit. -Nick Zintel


Beating Jonas Kim in Chess sophomore year. -Thomas Agatielli


Drew Road and Freshman food fight. -Brendan Rice


Floor hockey 2K15, flipping trash cans and taking the net. -Melissa Weaver


When we had a fire drill sophomore year, and Jonas Kim was told by Mr. O’Brien to get him candy,so Jonas snuck into the middle school to get some. -Asher Shaw Smith Gendlemen


Winning the Floor Hockey Championship my junior year with the team “Brigid to Terribithia.” We rocked those uniforms. -Julia



Falling while trying to go up the stairs on crutches because security wouldn’t open the elevator. -Taylor Mosher


Being a Jedi and powning noobs a.k.a Dan Leahy. -Doug Frawley


Taking selfies and playing Fun Run with Mr.Thomas. -Ariana Maciel


Washingtonville Senior night in football #ToTheDome-Brendan Bauer


Hearing Ms. Smith say during a lockdown drill “We’ll be fine unless they have a helicopter.” -Robert DeFelice


A guy carrying around a pineapple. -Alivia Zimmerman


Basketball and Football Senior Night. -Emily Maher


Being in the Senior section of the bleachers at the Pep-Rally-Eric Pfingst

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